![]() # 2110 |
Written by Fred Patten, and intended for Apa L, 2110th Distribution, LASFS Meeting No. 3558, October 20, 2005.
Golden State Colonial Convalescent Hospital, 10830 Oxnard Street, North Hollywood, California 91606-5098.
Telephone: hospital(818) 763-8247; personal (818) 506-3159 * eMail:fredpatten@earthlink.net
L.A.con IV in 2006! | Nippon 2007 in 2007! | Salamander Press #2593 |
Last week Glen Wooten sent me this:
----------Begin Forwarded Message----------
Lloyd Carter wrote:
> I'm Lloyd Carter, the Chairman of Anime Weekend Atlanta, an annual Japanese animation convention held in the Atlanta, Georgia area. Last year, we had Fred as a guest at our convention, around the same time as the release of his book.
> We at AWA are saddened over Fred's current condition. This year, I had made mention
about Fred's condition at our opening ceremonies. I mentioned that for some people, they don't know how much of an impact Fred has had in the industry. I mentioned that we will pledge $X to the fund, but I thought, why not a little more? AWA will pledge $Y to the fund. I will be sending a check, but I will need to know who it is to be made payable to.
> Please mention to Fred that his friends in the South did not forget him.
Friends like this Fred is lucky to have! What can I say but you and your people are princes among men! It is true that many people who enjoy anime today have no idea of the contributions Fred made to them being able to go down to their local Suncoast store and have a wall of Anime to choose from! You can send a cheque to:
Glen Wooten
Post Office Box 40350
San Diego, CA 92164-0350
And I shall be most certain to let Fred know that he does indeed have friends in the South - Many Thanks!
Glen Wooten
----------End Forwarded Message----------
I have removed the exact dollar amounts at Glen's recommendation, but Anime Weekend Atlanta has been very, very good to me. It is really reassuring to know that anime fandom still remembers me, considering how so many young anime fans feel that anything not cutting-edge brand-new is not worthy of any possible interest.
I sent Lloyd Carter a thank-you. A couple of days later, he replied:
Hi, Fred!
I'm sorry I haven't been able to contact you, with having to manage AWA and moving at the same time, things have gotten a wee bit hectic. I'll still have the same email addresses.
One of the people that I need to thank for letting me know about the donation fund is Jason Merrill. He's Dave Merrill's brother, and the first director I worked under years ago at the Atlanta Fantasy Fair. From those beginnings came the convention staffing experience that led
to AWA over a decade ago. At the same time, I was learning about anime from his brother.
With over 7500 people attending AWA this year, It almost seems that people have no idea where the industry came from, mostly what's the hottest show that everyone's watching. Our logo serves a reminder that even though the shows are in color, they were in black and white.
Progress (and a shopping center and condos under construction) is having me move before I'm forced to in a couple of years, so I'll be spending the next two weeks moving myself and AWA Inc to a more quiet location.
After November 1, 2005, I'll be at this address:
Be Well.
Lloyd Carter
Anime Weekend Atlanta
AWA is September 22-24 2006
- o0o - | - o0o - | - o0o - | - o0o - |
Michael Burlake's van was repaired so he brought me to last week's LASFS meeting. This was a rather average meeting. We were still getting new guests from the club's L.A. Times profile three weeks earlier. Mike Glyer distributed File 770 #145 which has egoboo for me right inside the cover; a page 3 story (with photograph) about my stroke, my new website, and the donation of my collection to the UCRiverside Library's Eaton Collection of S-f. Well, this is better than being in the overly large Obituary section, up to eleven names this issue. The story of my donation to the UCR Library was followed by a depressingly similar report of the donation of Mike Horvat's 30+-year-old, 250,000-issue fanzine collection to the University of Iowa Libraries' Special Collections, to save them from being trashed by the new owner of the building where they were stored, who decided to tear the building down. Time is catching up with not only old fans but with their lifelong collections. Both swift action and careful estate planning is needed to keep such collections from being lost when ageing fans either die or are unable to preserve them any longer.
On Saturday, Rob Powell took me to the October Cartoon/Fantasy Organization meeting. This was a Hallowe'en program packaged by Kevin Jones as a single six-hour two-DVD run-together set of magic &/or vampire anime titles; mostly episodes of Magical Girl Gang: Alice (Brownie Scout-like young apprentice witches in a world of witches; 7 episodes) alternating with one or two episodes each of Trinity Blood (featuring a vampire-hunting Catholic priest, Abel Nightlord, who is a super-vampire himself; another perverse version of the Roman Catholic Church from Studio Gonzo with really snazzy eccleasiastical vestments for the fictional religious orders - Costume-Con ought to take note), Tsukuyomi Moon Phase (with a cute little-girl vampire with a Japanese name, Hazuki, living in a Black Forest castle in Germany; in the second episode she goes to Japan where she meets a young German vampire, "Elfried" according to the subtitles), Bleach, and Magical Teacher Negima (yet another "school harem" comedy, about an all-girl Japanese junior-high class with a child-prodigy 10-year-old boy teacher - but he's a Young Welsh wizard, Negima Springfield). The "feature" was the complete 8-episode run of Club-To-Death Angel Dokura-chan, about airheaded, uninhibited cute 12-year-old angel Dokura-chan with a halo and a really huge spiked mace who runs amok committing gory mayhem at highly-embarrassed student Sakura-kun's "St. Guernica Junior High". It is a parody of the magical-schoolgirl formula so perverse that I would be embarrassed to describe it in detail, but very funny if you like over-the-top violence, blood spurting everywhere, bawdy jokes, explosive diarrhea, a pornographic pastiche of Kafka's "Metamorphosis", lampoons of Kim Jong-Il that cannot have helped relations between Japan and North Korea, and the like. Dokura-chan gets my latest vote for "You'll never see it on American TV." (Most of my past candidates for "You'll never see it on American TV" have since appeared on American TV.) C/FO Vice-Pres. Tony Victorino announced that this would be his last meeting for the foreseeable future since he has accepted a job transfer to Phoenix. It was announced that in November, since the LASFS will need Freehafer Hall for Loscon set-up on the usual C/FO-meeting Saturday, the C/FO will move to the Loscon weekend when the clubhouse will be empty. The C/FO must figure that none of its members will want to go to the Loscon this year. Since I hope to attend the Loscon, I will probably miss next month's C/FO meeting. Oh, well, the Loscon should have a good anime program.
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-- Comments on Last Week's Distribution:
Friday The 13th Comes On Thursday This Month - (Cantor) Fanzines like Apa L may be passé, but I hope that they will continue to exist for the rest of our lifetimes. ## Presumably Clark County and the county that includes Reno do not want legalized brothels because they would discourage the "family atmosphere" that those counties are encouraging, although I have heard that Las Vegas is swinging back from the family-friendly big-show entertainment emphasis of the past decade or two to the hard-core gambling/casino atmosphere once again. ## DOOM DOOM ?? Marty, I am surprised at you. Your zine looks like the billboards for the new Doom s-f/horror movie being released tomorrow. I cannot believe that you would promote such an example of media sci-fi!
De Jueves #1448 - (Moffatt) I think that Coumadin is the blood thinner that the hospital is giving me. As I said last week, the hospital blames the sores on my thighs to my sitting in my wheelchair for hours at a time, not to my diet or any of the medicines that I am being given. ## The movie Corpse Bride does not say how long she has been dead. Possibly Emily was newly dead, and it takes years or decades for a corpse to turn into a skeleton. More likely this is just an inconsistency that the audience is not expected to notice/care about, such as why she turns into a cloud of butterflies at the movie's end. ## I went looking online to find out whether John F. Kennedy really wore a top hat at his inauguration or my memory was wrong, and I found lots of websites that confirm it, many with photos. The best is at http://www.snopes.com/history/american/jfkhat.htm.
The "BBC On This Day" website says: "Millions watched the swearing-in of the new president on televis-ion. He chose to wear formal dress, including a top hat, for the occasion."
Godzillla Verses #58 - (DeChancie) Not that I really want to know, but what would be the boys' equivalent of 12-year-old girls leaving their lipstick prints on bathroom mirrors? ## I dimly remember reading "Dragonrider", the first Pern story in Analog (1967). It reminded me of Vance's earlier "The Dragon Masters" in Galaxy (1962), in that both were about an alien planet settled by humans so long ago they had forgotten Earth and their interstellar technology, and had evolved/regressed to a Medieval society, with "dragons" which were obviously domesticated large native animals. The first Pern story was superficially s-f enough for Analog. The more magical/romantic elements that made the series more fantasy than s-f did not appear until later stories which were not in Analog.
Merrie Maladies #30 - (Castora) Your requiem for Guiding Light is similar to several that have appeared during the past couple of weeks for TV Guide, which is altering its format from listing all the TV programs each week to just articles about the hottest TV programs and personalities of the moment. The old format was invaluable for research into TV history; for example, TV Guide was often the only source of information about when particular TV cartoons like The Bugs Bunny Show and Battle of the Planets first appeared in different cities - the local TV logs just said 'children's program" or 'cartoon" for those time slots. But even those who regret the disappearance of the old format agree that the publishers of TV Guide had no choice because, with the proliferation of cable and satellite channels, "local TV" has grown so complex that it is no longer possible to list all of a region's programming in a easy-to-read weekly guide; and people were not buying TV Guide any more. Popular culture evolves. Are any of the radio soap operas still doing well? ## One thing that anime fans quickly notice (those that do not only listen to the English dialogue, that is) is that the Japanese language does not distinguish between stars and planets, either. ## I don't think that stop-motion is any more inherently popular in Britain than anywhere else. If it is more popular in Britain, that is because Aardman Animations is a Bristol studio and produces a lot more high-quality stop-motion animation for British TV than is seen outside of Britain. ## I was a big fan of Other Worlds Science Stories in the 1950s. Great front & back cover art; the Hoka stories by Anderson & Dickson; Doc Smith's Tedric stories -how could anybody not like it? ## Thanks very much for your very readable & succinct summary of the calendar in Roman times and how & why it was changed. ## I still have not found out whether the car parked "illegally" in the LASFS parking spot paid for & donated to me was the car of a LASFan or a non-fan, and whether it was moved by its owner or was towed away as was threatened.
Long Time, No C #40 - (Zeff) Turkey outlawed the fez (and women veiling their faces) in 1925 as part of Musapha Kemal "Ataturk's" campaign to modernize the country/drag Turkey kicking & screaming into the 20th century. It was the Turkish equivalent of Peter the Great's ordering the Russian nobility to shave their beards and stop wearing Medieval robes and start dressing like the "other" modern European royal courts; except that Peter only reformed the Russian nobility and Ataturk was determined to modernize all Turkey. ## The "poiuyt" was in Astounding/Analog before it was in Mad, but I don't think it was called that. I do not believe it had any name at all in ASF.
Quidditch & The Art Of High Flying - (Gold) I concur that your tzimmes that you brought to the dinner at Karen Anderson's was delicious, if you want a second opinion. ## Abdul the Damned had an interesting reign/career. I wish that I could find a copy of his coronation photograph that I remember from that 1950s(?) world history book. ## I am sure that Barry is correct that the LASFS cannot legally issue parking tickets. Having offending cars towed away is probably equally satisfactory. Could Karl Lembke or someone else who is active in/knowledgeable about the club's administration inform us as to what is the club's practice toward illegal parkers?
Fish Out of Water #140 - (Helgesen) Since Dean Young has taken over continuing the Blondie newspaper strip started by his father Chic Young, he must be personally acquainted enough with its business details to know who owns it; his father then himself, or the newspaper syndicate. The Blondie strip carries the King Features Syndicate copyright statement every day. I cannot believe that Young's claim that his father demanded and was given the ownership of the copyright was merely a case of misremembering the details of what his father told him years ago. As for Mickey Rooney's claim that Walt Disney named Mickey Mouse after him, someone theorized that Disney may have actually told him that. Rooney was born in 1920 and was already a child actor by the time that Mickey Mouse was created in 1928. Assuming that Disney and Rooney met at some Hollywood event around 1929 or 1930, it could have been a patronizing "cute" remark by Disney to Rooney. Maybe, but even if true (and it is pure speculation), Rooney certainly should have found out over the years that it was not the truth, and stop repeating the claim.